Tuesday, 23 April 2013


 examination scheduled to be held on 30-06-2013 is

postponed to 14-07-2013. All other terms and conditions remain the same.

Column. 4 Educational qualification

Candidates possessing higher qualifications like BE and B. Tech in the
respective streams are also eligible to appear for the examination.

No.Rectt/16-2/2012/6 dated at Trivandrum the 17 /04/ 2013.

Applications are invited from Indian citizens for recruitment to the cadre of
Telecom Technical Assistants in the non-executive category under BSNL Kerala Circle.
Secondary Switching Area wise (SSA wise ) vacancies are indicated below:
TOTAL 152 Vacancies
Name of SSA OC OBC SC ST Total PH Ex-
Address for sending the applications
7 2 1 0 10 0 0 1 Principal General Manager Telecom, BSNL
Bhavan Uppalam Road, Statue. Trivandrum
PIN 695001
Kollam 10 3 1 0 14 0 0 1 General Manager Telecom, , BSNL Bhavan,
Vellayittappalam, Kollam . PIN 691 012
Pathanamthitta 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 General Manager Telecom ,BSNLBhavan
Thiruvalla PIN 689 101
Alleppey 9 3 1 0 13 0 1 1 General Manager Telecom, BSNL, Pitchu Iyer
Juntion, Alapuzha .PIN 688011
Kottayam 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 General Manager Telecom, BSNLBhavan ,
Pulimoodu Jn, Kottayam . PIN 686001
Ernakulam 15 6 2 1 24 1 0 2 Principal General Manager Telecom, ,BSNL
Bhavan, Kalthiparambil Road, Ernakulam Kochi
. PIN 682016
Trichur 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 Principal General Manager Telecom, Sanchar
Bhavan , Kovilakathumpadam , TUDA Road
Thiruvampady PO Thrissur PIN 680022
Palakkad 11 3 1 0 15 0 0 1 General Manager Telecom. Sanchar
Bhavan,.BSNL T.B.Road,Palakkad –
PIN 678014
Malappuram 14 5 2 0 21 1 0 2 General Manager Telecom, BSNL, DPO Road
Uphill PO, Malappuram, PIN- 676505
Kozhikode 14 5 2 0 21 1 0 1 General Manager Telecom BSNL, Balan K Nair
Road , Calicut PIN 673001
Kannur 13 5 2 0 20 0 0 0 General Manager Telecom, BSNL Bhavan
South Bazar , Kannur PIN 670 002
Total 107 32 12 1 152 3 1 10
(Note : Vacancies are provisional and subject to change)
2. Scale of Pay : Rs. 13600—25420 (Revised IDA pay scale )
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¨ÉÖ.¨É.|É.nÚù EòÉ, ¦ÉÉ.ºÉÆ.ÊxÉ.汃 O/o CGMT, BSNL
Eäò®ú±É {ÉÊ®ú¨ÉÆb÷±É, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉ{ÉÖ®ú¨É Kerala Circle, Trivandrum-695033
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(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
3. Age : Between 18-27 years as on 13/05/2013. The upper age limit is
relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST & 3 years for OBC candidates ,10
years for PH persons . Ex- servicemen and other specific categories
are also eligible for relaxation in age limit as prescribed by the
Central Govt. The age relaxation for BSNL employees is up to 40
yrs for OC , 45 yrs for SC/STand.43 years for OBC candidates The
OBC candidates should produce community certificates (non
creamy layer certificate) as per the pro forma for appointment of
OBC in Central Govt. Services as per Department of Personnel &
Training OM No.36012/22/93 Estt (SCT) dated 8.9.1993. For
Residents of J&K – Relaxation shall be in accordance with DO P&T
O.M. No. 15012/7/1991-Estt (D) dtd 6.12.2005 pertaining to
“Residents of State of Jammu and Kashmir (Relaxation of Upper
Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil services & Posts) Rules
4. Educational Qualification : a) 3 years Engineering Diploma from a recognized institution/
University in any of the following disciplines
1) Telecommunications Engineering
2) Electronics Engineering
3) Electrical Engineering
4) Radio Engineering
5) Computer Engineering
6) Instrument Technology
7)Information Technology
b) MSC (Electronics) from a recognized institution/
5. Reservation
a) Reservation as per Central Govt. guidelines will be applicable for
SC/ST/ OBC/Physically Handicapped (PH) /Ex- Servicemen
b) In respect of physically Handicapped persons, candidates with
following physical disability will be permitted.
I Locomotive Impairment - OL (One leg affected) or
BL (both legs affected but not
II Hearing Impairment - Partially Deaf
(Minimum degree of disability is 40% in order for a person for
claiming any concession/benefit)
6.Examination fee : Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) in the form of Demand Draft from
a Nationalized Bank / Indian Postal Order drawn in favour of
“Accounts Officer (Cash), O/O Principal General Manager / O/o
General Manager, BSNL, of the respective SSA where the candidate
desires to apply, payable at its Head Quarters. No fee for SC/ST & PH
Candidates. Exemption to PH candidates however will be available to
only those handicapped persons with O.L, BL, PD and who enclose
with the application form, necessary certificate from approved
Medical board in support of his claim for the disabilities.
Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
7.Centre of exam : Centre of examination will be at SSA Head Quarters.
8.Method of Selection: Through a Competitive Examination(OMR based) to be conducted as per
the schedule given below followed by a medical test. Appointment &
posting will be subject to successful completion of pre – appointment
Minimum qualifying marks for different category of candidates will be as follows:
a).Minimum qualifying marks in the Paper will be 40% for the General category (OC) and 33 % for the
candidates of SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH categories. The question paper shall comprise of three parts of 20, 90
and 90 each, as prescribed in the Scheme and Syllabus . There will be a single paper of 200 marks and
each question shall carry one mark.
b). The Minimum qualifying marks in each of the three parts of the question paper will be 30% for OC
and 20% for candidates belonging to OBC/SC/ ST categories. ie, the minimum passing marks in each of
the three parts in respect of OC will be 6, 27 and 27 respectively whereas in respect of OBC/ SC/ ST , it
will be 4,18 and 18 respectively.
c). Further relaxation of 2% in marks will be given to the physically handicapped candidates in each
category viz. OC-PH, OBC-PH, SC-PH & ST-PH.
d). There will be negative marking for each wrong answer, 25% of mark of that question shall be
9. Schedule of Exam :
Date Paper Marks Time(IST)
Part I General Ability Test 20
10.00 AM to 1.00 PM
( 3 Hours )
Part II Basic Engineering 90
Part III Specialization 90
10. . Last Date : Applications should be sent to the concerned PGM/ GMs ,so as to reach
them on or before 13-05-2013. Applications received after the due date will
be rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained
11. Rejection : Applications received after the last date viz 13-05-2013 (Up to 5 PM )
and in-complete in any respect are liable to be summarily
12. Registration in: Registration in employment exchange is not mandatory.
Employment Exchange However, it would be preferable, if the applicant has registration in the
employment exchange of the SSA concerned to which the applicant applies. In
case two or more successful candidates show equal performance in the test and
have, same date of birth etc , preference will be given
to those candidates who have registered their names in the Employment
Exchange of the concerned SSA in which they have applied.
13. How to apply The candidates may submit their applications in the Pro forma given in
Annexure-I The application should be legible and readable in thick plain paper
of A4 size (on one side). Two recent passport size photograph should be
affixed in the space provided for in the application. Copy of syllabus is attached
. This will also be available on the Notice board in the Office of the head of
SSAs. Hall permit will be issued to eligible candidates by the concerned SSA.
14. Training : Selected candidates have to undergo a training imparted by BSNL for a period
of 10 weeks. During the period of training, stipend will be paid as per rules in force.
Also they have to execute a bond in the format prescribed by the BSNL for a period of 2
years from the date of their appointment as TTA
15. Disqualification: 1. No person (a.) who has entered in to or contracted a marriage with a person having a
spouse living or b) who having a spouse living entered in to or contracted a marriage
with any person shall be eligible for appointment, provided that the Company may if
satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such
person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing
exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
2. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification of candidature.
16. Probation The candidates appointed shall remain on probation for a period of 2 years.
17. Already employed in the government service :
Candidates working in Government service / Public Sector Undertaking should sent their applications
through the Head of their Office/Department, so as to reach the concerned BSNL Office on or before the due date.
Applications received after the due date from such offices will summarily be rejected.
18. BSNL reserves the Right to amend any clause in this notification in future according to the rules and regulations
prevailing at that time BSNL also reserves the right to reject any application or cancel the candidature without
assigning any reason there of
19. Candidates are requested to send application to one SSA/ District only and they will be considered for the
vacancies of that particular SSA only.
20). All information /instruction regarding the examination will be published in this web site only
Candidates in their interest are advised to refer to the website www.keralatelecom.com or
www.kerala.bsnl.co.in from time to time for any further instruction/information.
21) Any dispute in regard to the Recruitment will be subject to courts /tribunals having
jurisdictions over the place of concerned units /office of BSNL where the candidate submit
his/her application
ºÉ½þɪÉEò ¨É½þÉ|ɤÉÆvÉEò (+É®ú
¨ÉÖ.¨É.|É.nÚù EòÉ, ¦ÉÉ.ºÉÆ.ÊxÉ.汃 O/o CGMT, BSNL
Eäò®ú±É {ÉÊ®ú¨ÉÆb÷±É, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉ{ÉÖ®ú¨É Kerala Circle, Trivandrum-695033
Enclosures to be attached with the applications
1. Hall permit (Office copy and Candidate’s copy) given in Annexure-II duly pasted with the recent
passport size photographs of similar one pasted in the application duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
2. Bank Draft ( Nationalized bank )/ Indian Post Order for Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) drawn in
favour of “Accounts Officer (Cash) “of concerned PGM/GMs payable at the concerned Head Quarters.
3. Attested copy of Educational Qualification
4. Attested copy of SSLC / SSC certificate/Birth Certificate showing date of birth for age proof
5. Attested copy of community certificate in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates. In case of OBC
candidates, non creamy layer certificate in prescribed form issued by competent authority
within last six months is essential.
6. No objection certificate from the present employer ,if employed
7. 2 Self addressed & stamped envelope of 27x12cm size
8. If Ex-serviceman, attested copy of discharge certificate and other relevant service certificates.
9. If Physically Handicapped , attested copy of Certificate issued by approved Medical Board.
Note : Please ensure that all enclosures are annexed to the applications properly. No column in the
application should be left unfilled. Application without signature of the candidate will be rejected out right.
The envelope containing the application should be superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST
ºÉ½þɪÉEò ¨É½þÉ|ɤÉÆvÉEò (+É®ú
Copy to :- 1) Heads of all SSAs for information & necessary follow up action.
Copy of the notification, application, Syllabus etc may be displayed on the
Notice Board.
2) Asst. General Manager (IT) for uploading on the website.(Soft copy enclosed)
3) Notice Board, O/O CGMT, BSNL, Trivandrum –33
The standard of Paper in General ability test will be such as may
be expected of an Engineering Diploma holder. The standard of papers in other subjects
will approximately be that of Diploma level of an Indian Polytechnic. There shall be a
single multiple choice objective type paper of 3hrs. duration as per details given below:
Paper Marks Time allowed.
Note : 1. The candidate is required to obtain minimum qualifying marks in each of these
parts as may be prescribed by the BSNL.
Detailed syllabus.
The candidate’s comprehension and understanding of General English shall be
tested through simple exercise such as provision of antonyms and synonyms, fill in the
blanks and multiple choice exercise etc. This shall also include questions on current
events, general knowledge and such matters of everyday observation and experiences as
may be expected of Diploma holder.
Detailed Syllabus is as under :
1. Applied mathematics : Co- ordinate Geometry : Vector Algebra; Matrix and
Determinant : Differential Calculus; Integral Calculus: Differential equation of
second order: Fourier series; Laplace Transform, Complex Number, Partial
2. Applied Physics : Measurement Units and Dimension; Waves, Acoustics,
Ultrasonic, Light Laser and its Application, Atomic Structure and Energy Levels.
3. Basic Electricity : Electrostatics, Coulomb’s law, Electric field, Gauss’s theorem,
concept of potential difference; concept of capacitance and capacitors, Ohm’s
law, power and energy, Kirchoffs voltage, current laws and their applications in
simple DC circuits, Basic Magnetism, Electro Magnetism, Electromagnetic
Induction, Concept of alternating voltage & current Cells and Batteries, Voltage
and Current Sources. Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem and their
4. Electronics Devices and Circuits: Classification of materials in to conductor,
semi conductor, Insulator etc, electrical properties, magnetic materials, various
types of relays, switches and connectors, Conventional representation of electric
and electronic circuits elements. Active and passive components, semi conductor
physics, Semiconductor Diode, Bipolar transistor & their circuits, Transistor
Biasing Stabilization of operating point; Single stage transistor amplifier, field
effect transistor, Mosfet circuits applications.
Multistage Transistor Amplifier, Transistor Audio Power Amplifiers, Feedback
in Amplifier, Sinusoidal Oscillators. Tuned Voltage Amplifiers, Opto Electronics
Devices and their applications, Operational Amplifier, Wave shaping and
switching circuits.
Block diagram of I.C Timer (such as 555) and its working Motivation circuits,
Time Base circuits, Thyristory and UJT, Regulated Power Supply.
5. Digital Techniques : Applications and advantages of digital systems, number
system (binary and hexadecimal) Logic Gates; Logic Simplication, Codes and
Parity, Arithmetic circuits, Decoders, Display Devices and Associated Circuits,
Multiplexers and De- multiplexers, Latches and Flip Flops, Counters, Shift
Registers, Memories, A/D and D/A converters.
Detailed Syllabus is as under :
1. Electrical :
3 phases vs. single – phase supply, star Delta connections, relation between phase &
line voltage power factor and their measurements, construction and principles of
working of various types of electrical measuring instruments . All types of motor and
generator- AC &DC transformers starters, rectifiers, inverters, battery charges,
batteries, servo and stepper motors, contactor control circuits, switchgear, relays,
protection devices & schemes, substation, protective relaying, circuits breaker,
generator protection, transformer protection, feeder & lightening protection, feeder &
bus bar protection, lightening arrestor, earthing, voltage stabilizer & regulators, power
control devices & circuits, phase controlled rectifiers, inverters, choppers dual
converters, cycloconverters, power electronics application in control of drivers,
refrigeration & air - conditioning .
2. Communication :
Modulation and demodulation – principles and operation of various types of AM,
FM and PM modulators/ demodulators; pulse modulation – TDM, PAM, PPM,
PWM, Multiplexing, principles and applications of PCM.
Introduction of Basic block diagram of digital and data communication systems,
coding error detection and correction techniques, Digital Modulation Techniques
– ASK, ICW, FSK, PSK, Characteristics / working of data transmission circuits,
UART, USART, Modems, Protocols and their functions, brief idea of ISDN
interfaces, local areas Network, Carrier Telephony – Features of carrier telephone
Microwave Engineering : Microwave Devices, Wave – guides, Microwave
Components, Microwave Antennas, Microwave Communication system- Block
diagram & working principles of microwave communication link.
3. Network, Filters and Transmission Lines :
Two port network, Attenuators, Filters, Transmission Lines and their applications
characteristic impedance of line, concept of refection and standing waves on a
transmission line, Transmission line equation, Principles of impedance matching
Bandwidth consideration of a transmission line.
4. Instruments and Measurements :
Specification of instruments – accuracy, precision, sensitivity, resolution range,
Errors in measurements and loading effect, principles of voltage, current and
resistance measurements, Transducers, measurement of displacement & strain,
forcers & torque measuring devices, pressure measuring devices, flow measuring
devices, power control devices & circuits. Types of AC Milli voltmeters-
Amplifier rectifier and rectifier amplifier, Block diagram explanation of a basic
CRO and a triggered sweep oscilloscope, front panel controls, impedance Bridges
and Q- Meters.
Principles of working and specifications of logic probes, signature
analyzer and logic analyzer, signal generator, distortion factor meter, spectrum
5. Control Systems ;
Basic elements of control system, open and closed loop system, concept of
feedback Block diagram of con troll system. Time lag, hysterisis, linearity
concepts, Self- regulating and non- self regulating control systems. Transfer
function of simple control components, single feedback configuration.
Time response of systems.
Stability Analysis characteristics equation, Routh’s table, Nyquist criterion, Relative
stability, phase margin and gain margin.
Routh Hurwitz criterion, root locus techniques, Bode plot, power plot, Gain margin
and phase margin.
6. Microprocessors :
Typical organization of a microcomputer system & functions of its various
blocks, Architecture of a Microprocessors, Memories and I/O Interfacing, Brief
idea of M/C assembly languages, Machines & Mnemonic codes, instruction
format and Addressing mode concept of instruction set, programming exercises in
assembly language, concept of interrupt, Data transfer techniques – sync data
transfer, interrupt driven data transfer, DMA serial output data, serial input data.
7 Computer
Computer and its working, types of computers, familiarization with DOS and
Windows- concept of file, directory, folder, Number Systems, Data representation,
programming Elements of a high level programming language, PASCAL, C:Use of
basic data structures, Fundamentals of computer architecture, Processor design,
Control unit design, memory organization . I/O system organization Microprocessors
–microprocessor architecture, instruction set and simple assembly level programming,
Microprocessors based system design, typical examples. Personal computers and their
typical uses, data communication principles, types and working principles of
modems, Net work principles, OSI model, functions of data link layer and network
layer, networking components, communications protocolsa–X.25, TCP/IP
Database Management System – Basic concepts, entity relationship model,
relational model, DBMS based on relational model.

IMPORTANT NOTES : (i) Before filling this form, Read detailed advertisement
(ii) All entries should be made in capital letters
1 Name of recruitment Unit(SSA)
2 Name (for Sl No. 2 & 3 please keep one box blank between first name, middle name & last)
3 Father's/Husband's Name
4 Date of Birth(ddmmyyyy) 5 Age on 13.05.2013(ddmmyyyy) 6 Whether claiming age relaxation
Write: Yes/No
7 Gender
8 Maritial Status (Married/Unmarried) 9 Nationality 10 Community
Country By birth or Domicile
11 Category (write as applicable)
Whether BSNL employee(Yes/No) If yes mention HRMS No Whether registered under Employment Exchange  of the respective SSA (Yes/No). If Yes Reg.No. If Physically Handi capped (attach Medical Certificate ) Whether Govt employee (Yes/No) Whether belongs to Ex Servicemen /J&K - Please specify
Locomotive or Hearing Impairment % of Disability
12 Address for correspondence (in capital letters ) Please affix one recent passport size photograph without attestation
Name :
Address   :
e-mail address
Mobile No
Tele No : 0           -
Signature of the Candidate
13 Educational Qualification (Diploma in Engg & Above)
Name of the Engg Diploma/Degree with Discipline University/Institute Month & Year of
As per the Advertisement whether eligible (Yes/No)
14 Permanent Address (in Capital letters)
Name Please affix one recent passport size photograph without attestation
Father's/Husband's Name
PIN Code
15.Details of application fee particulars
IPO/Bank Draft No. & Date Amount Issuing Bank/Post Office Payable in favour of
16. Declaration to be given by OBC candidate only, eligible to avail reservation applicable to OBC:
      I  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . son/daughter of Shri  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . resident of village/town/city . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dist. . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . State . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that  I belongs to the . . . . . . . . . . . . community which is recognized as a backward class by the Government of India for the purpose of reservation in services as per orders contained in Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No 36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) Dtd 8.9.1993. It is also declared that I do not belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Scheduled to the above referred office Memorandum dated 8.9.1993 and amended vide OM No 36033/3/2004-Estt.(Res.) Dtd 14.10.2008.
I do hereby declare that all the statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any particular information given above being found false or incorrect, my candidature for the post of Telecom Technical Assistant is liable to be rejected or cancelled and in the event of any mis-statement or discrepancy in the particulars being detected after my appointment, my services are liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice to me. 
       I also understand that if appointed, I would rank junior to any TTA who had been appointed earlier by the erstwhile DoT/DTS/DTO or BSNL or any other candidate who had already qualified in the TTA examination but not appointed as TTA by BSNL so far, Similarly, candidates of TTA examination held prior to my appointment will also rank en-bloc senior to me.
Place                                                                                                    (Signature of the Applicant)                               

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