subscribers subject to a maximum of Rs 1000.00 (Rs. One thousand only) per bill w.e.f. 01.06.2003. This discount shall not be extended to telephones include in any other discount scheme like Corporate Account Holder Scheme (Bill Bouquet). - Easiest way to pay your Telephone Bills. No hassels of standing
- in the queue.
- No risk of carrying cash or fumbling with your cheque book.
- This service is provided free of cost to the customers.
The cost of ECS is being borne by Calcutta Telephones for the benefit of our customers. - No question of late payment charges on account of forgotten bills.
- Even you can opt out from ECS anytime.
- Single point redressal for billing issues and many more ....
ECS is now more secure. You will have an option to allow ECS deduction only for bills of amount upto Rs. 5000/-, Rs. 2000/- or Rs. 1000/-. If a bill amount exceeds Rs. 5000/-, Rs. 2000/- or Rs. 1000/- (as per option), the amount will not be automatically deducted from your bank account. You have to pay it through other available channels. If you think that your bills will not generally exceed Rs. 5000/- or Rs. 2000/- or Rs. 1000/- (as the case may be), this is an ideal scheme for you. To know, always use our IVRS 1501/1502/1503 bill information facility. It is free. Once you are ECS registered customer, you will have a dedicated Customer Service Center to answer any question you may have. SAVE TIME, MONEY & EFFORT : REGISTER WITH ECS OF CALCUTTA TELEPHONES
Frequently Asked Questions about ECS : Q.1 What is Electronic Clearance Scheme (ECS) ? BSNL in association with Reserve Bank of India offers this highly customer-friendly scheme for payment of your telephone bills.It is a scheme for collecting your phone bill dues directly from your savings / current bank account. It is totally free of any hassles. Q.2 Where do I get the ECS Mandate form ? chennai circle ECS Mandate Form also available at all Customer Service Centers of Q.3 How do I join the ECS Scheme ? You have to fill up the ‘Mandate Form’ (in duplicate) and submit alongwith a photocopy of your cheque leaf in AOTR office, Customer Service Centre, ECS Cell or you may drop in BSNL cheque drop boxes. Q.4 After joining the ECS do I continue to receive my phone bills ? Oh, Yes. You will continue to receive the Bills as before. It will, however, contain a specific message that "ECS OPTEES NEED NOT PAY THE BILLS AT COUNTERS". Q.5 When actually the phone bill amount will be debited from my bank A/c ? It will be debited from your bank account within 4-5 working days starting ' Due Date' of your bill. For ascertaining your ' Due Date ' please dial 1501 / 1502 / 1503. Q.6 Any extra charge to be paid for joining the ECS ? This scheme is entirely free of charge. Q.7 What do I do if I find that my phone bill is too high ? In case of Excess Billing complaint received at least 8 days prior to due date, provisional bill will be issued to eligible subscribers and the revised amount will only debited to your account. |
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