E-auction of GSM Vanity/Premium Numbers
The terms & conditions & detail procedure of the e-auction are as below:
• The customers will access the web site http://eauction.bsnl.co.in for getting
registered to participate in web based auction of GSM premium mobile numbers.
The portal registration is free of cost.For registration The Customer can register
for the first time, by entering E-mail ID, BSNL Mobile Number. The customer thus
registered will get an E-Mail and SMS with the password to confirm the
• The customer can participate in bidding of his selected premium number through
web or through SMS from his registered mobile number. The bidding process will
take the first come first server method to accept the bidding and in return will
update all the remaining bidders. The customer can bid for one or more number
of registered Premium numbers and monitor its progress through web site or
through E-Mail / SMS alerts as per his choice.
• On closing date the successful bidder can approach the nearest CSC for
completing the formalities and getting the SIM after payment of BID amount.
• In case the first bidder to fails to accept the offer within 5 working days, the
same will be passed on to the next highest bidder i.e second highest bidder
or third highest bidder.
• If no one is interested in taking the number the same will be released for next
auction process.
1. Existing BSNL customer can bid for a vanity number for changing his/her
number. Existing BSNL customer can also bid for taking a new connection.
Allotment of vanity number shall be subjected to submission of CAF and other
prescribed verification procedure in both cases.
2. For prepaid customers, the minimum balance in their account should be
Rs.200/- to participate in bidding. The registration charges of Rs.150/-
will be adjusted in the bid amount of those successful bidders who
ultimately purchase the number, irrespective of the bid value.
3. The minimum reserve price for Level 1 number is Rs.11000/-, Level 2
number is Rs.5000/- , Level 4 number (0000x) is Rs.4000/- and Level
4number (xy786) is Rs.2000/-. (Applicable taxes extra). The bidding shall
be allowed in multiples of Rs.100/- above the minimum reserve price.
4. Bid below the minimum reserve price shall not be accepted.
5. At the end of auction, top three(H1,H2,H3) bidders shall be informed by BSNL,
about their status and request them to provide Name, Address and details of
ID(to ensure that number is allotted to selected customer only). These details
shall be used to contact the selected bidder. Therefore it is very essential that
bidders are always available on the mobile phone.
6. If the highest bidder H1 fails to deposit the bid amount with BSNL Nodal
Officer within 5 working days of intimation, the number shall be offered
to the second highest bidder H2 at H1(highest bid price).
7. If the second highest bidder H2 fails to deposit the bid amount with
BSNL Nodal Officer within 5 working days of intimation, the number
shall be offered to the third highest bidder H3 at H1(highest bid price).
8. In case a bidder, when intimated to deposit the bid amount, fails to deposit
the amount, then his/her BSNL mobile number shall be debarred from all
future auction of Vanity/Choice numbers.
9. For bidded amount applicable taxes shall be extra.
10. Selected bidder can have his/her choice number under any existing mobile
plan(prepaid or postpaid) of BSNL. However the normal SIM/Activation
charges, Security Deposit (in case of Postpaid plan) etc., shall be charged
extra on actual basis.
11. Amount paid for the vanity number taken in auction is non-refundable.
12. Entire bid amount shall have to be paid in single installment before obtaining
the choice vanity number. Amount paid for the vanity/VIP number is nonrefundable
13. BSNL Circle reserves the right to cancel allocation of any vanity number at
any time without assigning any reason.
14. In case of any dispute BIDDING server time will be treated as final; it may
differ from SMS server.
Bidding Process through SMS by existing BSNL Customers
1. REGISTRATION (Initail Normal Registration):-
Send SMS
REGVAN to 56666
Normal Registration will be charged @Rs.2/-
To know the VANITY numbers list, Send SMS :
Eg.VLIST GJ 12345 to 56666:
Rs.2/- will be charged for the above SMS.
(i). To know the highest bid available for your choice number Send SMS :
CHOICE<SPACE> 10 digit mobile number to 56666.
Eg: CHOICE 9400000000 to 56666.
Rs.2/- will be charged for the above SMS.
(ii) .To participate in bidding for a vanity/premium number Send SMS :
CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit mobile number <SPACE>Y to 56666
Eg: CHOICE 9400000000 Y to 56666.
( Rs.150/-will be charged for the above SMS. Now customer can be
able to participate in bidding for the above registered number.)
(iii). To bid for a above registered mobile number, send SMS :
CHOICE<SPACE> 10 digit mobile mtmber <SPACE>AMOUNT to 56666.
Eg:- CHOICE 9400000000 20000 to 56666.
(To bid for the mobile number 9400000000 at an amount Rs.20000/-)
Pl note that for successful bidding, the bid amount should be higher than last bid
Rs.2/- will be charged for the above SMS.
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